Saturday, June 28, 2008

She is annoying!

Twinkle looked like a drowned rat after digging water out from the bowl.

I remember when I was at this age with Twinkle. My gum are swollen and it felt good to chew, something, someone, anything, anytime. She is a total disaster right now. Biting, nibbling fingers and human toes and ankle. In Sunny's teething stage, he liked to chew furniture. I think he ruined quite a few side table, coffee table and part of the stairway. I noticed that when we play she gets so rough and bite us too hard. Ouchh! I know she is unconscious about it so we just let her be. After all, we've been into this teething stage. I find it annoying though, (which Sunny and I used to do) is that she play our water bowl. She dig's the water out and make a lot of mess. That leaves me and Sunny nothing to drink when we get thirsty. Momma gets to clean her mess a few times a day, I am sure its not fun doing it. Good thing, Momma remember about the magic of ice cubes, She'd gave it to Twinkie as much as she can, as many times a day. That will help Twinkle ease a little bit of the pain and uneasiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.