Thursday, February 23, 2006

Trip to PetsMart

Parents and I went to PetsMart at Polaris Parkway to get an appointment for my second haircut. With my harness and leash attached, I was able to walk freely at the store for the first time. Muma or Dada usually carry me.

As soon as we entered the store, I saw debris on the floor that caught my attention. I thought they were food, so I taste some of them but it taste awful.

The place was very overwhelming. There were a lot of stuff stocked on each isle. I saw a lot of foods, treats, and toys and some clothing that I think would looked good on me.

As soon as I got wound up, here I go! Looks like I was doing inspection isle by isle here. I got my appointment done and it will be this saturday at 8AM just like the first time I had one.

I actually befriended 3 girls this time. Two were working at the store and one also a customer. I dunno, they just came to me and pet me. They think I was cute! Hmmm...they gotta wait after my haircut. I'm sure I'd look gorgeous! Rrruuff! just kidding! I honestly get so excited whenever someone came to me and pet me. I'd usually give 'em lots of kisses and hugs. I'm a very happy trusting puppy.

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